Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Hanson's Anthem Tour in Charlotte, NC on November 20, 2013

So, I got to Charlotte, NC around 1:30pm and then got checked into our hotel at 2:00pm, then headed to the venue that was about 12 minutes away at about 2:30pm, tried to get a number, but they had stopped giving them out at #97. I then signed up for the walk and proceeded to talk to a friend I had only been talking to online since I was 14 or 15 and never met before. 
I enjoyed finally getting to meet my friend and her daughter for the first time ever :) I hope to meet them again at another Hanson concert or just to meet up for lunch somewhere randomly :) 
During the walk, I got a chance to talk to Taylor at one point, which was nice :)
One day I will get to have pictures with them and their autographs, but for now just talking to them on the walks before the shows is icing on the cake for me :) 
I was going to meet them at the bus after the show, but my feet and knees were killing me and my boyfriend was bored, so I headed back to the hotel instead. 
I know that my photos aren't the best, but I enjoy them and that is all that counts right???
I did get a few samples of four of the songs they sang and am going to be sharing them on my youtube account if you would like to check them out, please do, but be warned they aren't the best ever :/
I gotta say that I loved the prank that Hanson did on David Ryan Harris even though I didn't get it on video or in pictures :( It was very enjoyable :) I also want to add that I think Taylor Hanson has a foot fetish or knows someone who does *giggles*
Also, want to say on a more serious note, that the venue disrespected Hanson when two of the people that work there for security yelled out stuff a couple of times, when Hanson was getting every to quite down for their a Capella song.

 Tay and Ike after coming out of the venue before the walk :) 

 My favorite picture of Zac that I took before the walk :) 

 Before the walk started and Zac joined Ike and Tay at the table where we signed up for the walk :) 

 One of my favorite pictures I got of them before the walk ended :) 

 Just to prove that I took the walk on November 20, 2013 barefoot :) 

 When I arrived before the show at about 6:00pm or 6:30pm, this was my spot in line.

 My view when I got in the venue :) 

 David Ryan Harris performing :) 

 This is Hanson and David Ryan Harris performing the Christmas song "Merry Christmas Baby" :D

 At the very end where everyone comes on stage to say good night and what a great show it was :) 

 Me and David Ryan Harris after the show :) I didn't get his autograph because he didn't have anything to sign with, but I did buy his CD along with a Shout and be free shirt and a pack of key chains, because I collect key chains :) 

 Boyfriends slurpee is on the left and mine is on the right :) I made my boyfriend get one, even though he isn't a fan of them, because I am and I wanted to have more points for my slurpee account online *giggles* 

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