Sunday, June 12, 2022

Life Update: I moved to a new room in Richmond, VA

I haven't really been able to focus on the blog and working on my online work and mystery shopping for May because I have been having to focus on packing to move (which I wasn't totally ready to do so), finding a new room to rent, and working. 

I finally found a new room to rent on Monday, June 6, 2022, then got approved for the new room on Tuesday, June 7, 2022, and was able to move into the new room on Wednesday, June 8, 2022. I was lucky and had a couple of really good friend help me with moving the big and heavy items I have over to the new room on Wednesday. But I still have a few boxes of smaller things at the old room that I need to get over here to the new room by Tuesday, June 14, 2022. 

I am ready to be totally moved out of the old room and into the new room, so that I have one less thing to focus on. Not to mention I am ready to be totally unpacked and settled into the new room, so that it helps me get used to how the new room layout is set up compared to the old room layout. Not to mention it will be nice to not have boxes everywhere on the floor and futon that I am having to walk around and worry about tripping over at times. Also, it will be nice to know where everything is as well, because right now, I don't totally know where everything is and it is annoying. I also am looking forward to having everything it a certain place again and somewhat organized. 

But that being said as I unpack and orgainze and set up my new room, I know there are going to be things I am holding onto for whatever reason that I can go through and let go of, like I was doing when I was packing to move. I got rid of some things, but not alot and I want to do better when I'm unpacking and get rid of the other few things I'm holding onto that I know I don't need because it's trash or junk and just taking up space. 

Maybe when my move is totally finished and I have my new room set up, then I will see about sharing some pictures with you all. 

But for now I should get off of here, and get started on my day, so that I can get a few things done in my new room as well as do some online work and look for a couple mystery shops to do. And maybe even try to head over to my old room and get my bike or a box or two and move it over here to the new room. 

Moving is expensive *sighs* Between the new room costing more ($700) the old room was ($625) not to mention having to pay a deposit as well and hope that I get my deposit back for the old room. Then the fact that I have been getting uber to go back and forth to the old room to get stuff and move it to the new room. As well as go to Wal-Mart and buy a couple new storage boxes to finish packing the old room up, so I can finish moving. 

I'm just ready to be finished moving again for a little while. I signed a lease to rent this room until June 30, 2023, so that gives me one less thing to worry about for a little while. 

I should get going though, I really need to get things done and also get some groceries again because I didn't want to get groceries just before moving, so I haven't actually order groceries since May 8, 2022, and I don't want to wait longer to order groceries, because I don't want to keep spending money on uber eats just because I am hungry and don't have any food at the new place to eat *sighs* 

Anyways, hope you all have a great day and that you enjoyed my life update and I will talk to you all later :) 

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