Sunday, July 24, 2022

Hanson at The National in Richmond, VA on 7/22/22

I believe this makes my 12th or 13th Hanson concert (I have kinda lost count of how many I have been to throughout the years now). I used to keep better count of the Hanson concerts I went to by having them all wrote down and then blogging about them as well.

I gotta say, if Hanson is preforming near where I live I will find a way to go see them, if I have the money to afford to go. Not to mention if they are preforming in my homestate of Las Vegas, NV, then I will defiantly find a way to go see them there as well, if I can afford to do so. 

I know this is the 5th time I have seen them preform in Richomond, VA.
I'm sure it won't be the last either, because I'm pretty sure they will come back in the future.

I am also planning to see them later this year on September 6, 2022, in Las Vegas, NV at the Brooklyn Bowl. The only thing holding me back from it is that they still have the stupid covid requirements in place before the concert. I'm really hoping those go away soon, like how they did for this show in Richmond, VA on July 22, 2022.

I wasn't actually quite sure if I could go see them this year in Richmond, VA because of them having stupid covid requirements in place before the concert, until a few days before the concert, when they changed them and went away, so I was able to get tickets and go see my all time favorite band in concert :) 

Anyways, here are some pictures I took during the concert as well as a few videos I took during the concert.
Hope you all enjoy!!! 
I know some of the pictures aren't the best, but I still like them.

My outfit for the Hanson concert :) 

This is a different view of my outfit for the concert :) 
My view from where I was sitting in ADA seating. Not a bad view at all.
The opening person was John Calvin Abney.
John Calvin Abney.
John Calvin Abney performed a few songs for us as soon as 8pm rolled around. He only did about a 30 minute set though. 
John Calvin Abney is cute :) This is one of the better pictures I was able to get of him :) 
I love that John Calvin Abney plays the guitar and harmonica. Also, this is one of the better pictures I was able to get of him.
John Calvin Abney was good at keeping the crowd entertained as well :) 
This was the last picture I got of John Calvin Abney, before he got off the stage. 
After John Calvin Abney got finished, this was the view of the crowd in front of me. 
While we were waiting for Hanson to take the stage.
Zac's drum set. 
Once Hanson came on stage.
Hanson on stage. 
Taylor was hard to get good pictures off because of the light over him, but I still like how most of them turned out. 
Isaac and Zac were the easiest for me to get pictures of during the concert.
Isaac and Zac :) 
All three of the guys, plus one of the tall guys heads in front of me during the concert that at first annoyed me, but then I just kinda worked with it. Mind you the floor he is standing on is lower by three steps, then the floor I am sitting on. 
I so enjoyed how Hanson played a mix of songs from 1997 to their new music they came out with this year in 2022.
One of my favorite pictures I got of Isaac and Zac :) 
Like I mentioned earlier Taylor was hard to get good pictures of because of the light above him. 
This is a pretty good picture of the guys :) 
Another decent picture of the guys :) 
I liked getting the pictures without being zoomed in on the guys, because of how the lighting was. 
Issac and Zac turned out better to see in this zoomed in picture then what Taylor did, but still a good picture. 
Isaac and Zac :) 
Isaac changing guitars between songs and Zac watching him. 
Isaac and Zac :) 
Taylor, just wish the light above him didn't make him hard to see :/
I like how you can see Taylor better in some of my not zoomed in pictures of the three of them. 
Not the greatest picture, but not the worst either. And I still giggle at the random tall guys head in almost all of my pictures, because there was nothing I could do about it. 
Zac and Taylor.
Zac and Taylor, because Isaac is hidden behind the random tall guys head.
I spy Isaac and Zac's head as well as Taylor. 
Taylor sitting down playing the piano. 
Taylor :) 
This is when Zac came out from behind the drums to sit closer to the front and play a few songs. 
Isaac, Zac (not behind the drums), and Taylor.
Zac and Taylor :) 
Zac *drools* I am a Zac girl and have been since day one :) 
You can see Isaac, Zac, and Taylor in this picture :) 
Isaac, Zac, and Taylor. One of the better pictures of them because the random tall guys head isn't too much in the way. 
Another decent picture of Isaac, Zac, and Taylor without the random tall guys head in the way :) 
Isaac and Zac. Can I just say that Isaac has grown on me throughout the years like a fine wine. He is also handsome, but I will always be a Zac fan the most. 
One of the few pictures without the random tall guys head in it, because there were times when he bent down to talk to those he was with at the concert or go get something, so his head wasn't in the way. 
I really love how this picture turned out of Isaac, Zac, and Taylor. I love that Taylor was also playing the guitar as well. 
Another decent picture that I got of Isaac, Zac, and Taylor :) 
One of the better pictures I got of Isaac, Zac, and Taylor. 
It was so much fun seeing the guys in concert again :) 
I love Hanson :) They put on such amazing concerts and have really good music as well :) 
This was such a great concert :) 
Hanson know how to put on concerts that are so amazing :) 
Isaac and Zac :) I love that I got a butt shot of Isaac *giggles* 
Zac playing his drums. 
Isaac looks really handsome *drools* 
Taylor banging away on the congo drums (I believe that is what they are called). 
Taylor turning back to play the piano standing up :) 
Isaac rocking his guitar like always :) 
Zac, Isaac, and Taylor. 
Zac, Isaac, and Taylor.
Isaac rocking his guitar :) 
Isaac and Zac :) 
Isaac and Zac :) 
Isaac and Zac :) 
Isaac and Zac :) 
A decent picture of Taylor rocking the tambrine :) 
This is a pretty good picture of all three guys :) 
Taylor walking around the stage :) 
This is one of the better pictures of Taylor that I got :) 
Another one of the better pictures of Taylor that I was able to get :) 
Another good Taylor picture :) 
Not the greatest picture of the guys, but not the worst either. 
I got to meet John Calvin Abney after the concert and get a picture with him. He is a really sweet and cute guy. 
I wanted to know where I could find him at online, so I took this picture so I could look him up later. 
Where you can find John Calvin Abney at online if you like his music or want to check his music out for the first time. 
Hanson on the sign outside The National :) 
Another view of Hanson on the sign outside of The National :) 
  The wrist band they put on before the concert showing that I am over 21 *gasps* and the information for the Hanson concert on The Nation website.

Just showing off the guys from the show details on Facebook :) 

This was the merchandise I got from John Calvin Abney.
You can see I got his autograph on the CD I bought (his first one he came out with).
He threw in the other CD for free (it was when he was younger).
The stickers were free.

The songs on the free CD from John Calvin Abney.

The CD's that John Calvin Abney has out.

The stickers that were free. 

The songs on the CD I bought. 
This is his first CD. 
He had a total of 4 to choose from. 
As you can see this is the CD he signed for me as well :) 

The front of the free CD John Calvin Abney gave me. 

Hanson's Back To The Island information for 2023.

The front of the Hanson shirt I bought.

The back of the Hanson shirt I bought.

The back of the shirt has all of the tour dates for 2022.

The front of the shirt is the guys in their respective favorite colors.

The letters on the left sleeve of the shirt.



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