Tuesday, January 3, 2023

2023 Goals (As well as just goals I have in general)

So there are a couple of goals that I want to give myself to work on this year.

~ Work on driving my moped more (I don't want it just sitting around wasting the money I spent on it. As well as, I do want to and need to get more driving experience on it as well as in general. I do need to work on driving in new areas and seeing what they are like as well as down roads, I'm not that big of a fan of, because I need to work on feeling better on those roads.)

~ Not messing up at work (getting another part time job that pays the same or more...if I can't find a full time job that pays better again) as well as just not slacking off, etc...)

~ Building my savings and stocks up again (I want to have money for the future as well as emergencies, etc... again.)

~ Not breaking down and losing myself or the progress that I have made since moving to and living in Richmond, VA on 1/18/19.

~ Getting more driving experience in a car, so that I can go to the DMV and get my license.

~ Getting my own place (one that isn't just renting a room, but is actually my own space again...I miss actually having a place to actually call home and it actually feeling like home.)

~ Working on getting my weight and health back to a good place where I have energy and feel happy with myself again (had that in 2019, then slacked off in 2020 to now and it needs to stop.)

These are just the ones that I can think of right now, but there are more that I am working on currently from years past as well as that I want to work on in general for what I want in life.

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