Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Remembering my Mom's (Valerie Francis) life today

Today is the 2nd year now that my Mom Valerie Francis has been gone and it's something I'm struggling dealing with still. My best friend Brian Croxford gave me this idea 💡 yesterday and I want to give it a try today and see if it starts to help me remember her life and how I was greatful for the memories I have with her ❤ 

I'm going to start with one from 2015 when we went to the tournament of kings show at the Excalibur in Vegas. It was my first time. I can't remember the section we sat in right off hand, but we were in the front row and before the show started I made sure we got a photo together ❤ you can see that below ❤ We shared a bucket of beer 🍺 a few each and had dinner during the show (which the staff had to come take our plates after the horses kicked dirt up at us and it landed on them) my Mom shared parts of her dinner with me that she didn't like and wasn't going to eat. We got a dessert as well (I can't remember what it was now, but it was good as well). The section we sat in didn't win. But it was a great show, great food, and most importantly to me great memories with my Mom ❤❤❤ Thank you for those memories ❤❤❤ They mean alot to me 🥰🥰🥰

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