Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Today's walk 🚶‍♂️- 9/4/24

Here is how my working out went for the week the last time I got workouts in.

As you can see, I didn't get any workouts in last week :( 
I should have, but I wasn't disciplined enough to get myself to work out last week :(

Because of not working out last week, it effected my mood/headspace in a bad way because I didn't get in one form of my self care, that I feel is super important for myself.

But I don't want my mood/headspace to continue to go downwards (especially with the Fall weather coming up soon, but also a few other reasons), but also because I have been noticing some small changes in how I look and feel (mentally and physically) as well and I don't want that to go the oppisite way again. I have put in too much work getting back on track with my working out again the last 6 weeks (even though I missed working out last week). I don't want to miss another 3 months without working out again anytime soon. In fact I'm looking into getting a stair stepper soon to help make sure I can continue to get my workouts in when I'm not able to go out because of the weather this Fall/Winter as well as into next Summer when the weather is to hot to workout outside. I will still do my indoor workouts when needed on those days, but a stair stepper would be helpful on days when I want something new for my indoor workouts. 

As you can see, I'm doing good and ready to get my workouts in this week again :)

The weather today and yesterday has been super nice and enjoyable, but also makes me a little sad knowing that Fall and Winter weather are around the corner, because I'm a Summer weather loving girl and I'm not ready for Summer to end yet.

I feel good and feel like I am starting to look good again, thanks to my workouts.

It is a very pretty day outside today :) 

I thought the sky looked pretty today :) 

I thought seeing my shadow was fun during my walk, so wanted to stop and enjoy it for a moment :) 

I feel like this is a cute picture of all three of my friend's dogs :) 

Here is how today's walk went.

I found a new walking route that in three laps got me over 2 miles as you see here, but if I were to walk around a fourth time it should get me a 3 mile walk in...I plan on doing that soon, I've been slowly trying to get closer to walking 3 miles a day or more again. I might start to do so in a couple walks instead of one time if I feel like that would be eaiser for me to begin with though. If I do that then I will still share about it in my blog posts, but it would be all in one post, instead of two posts. 

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