Monday, July 11, 2022

Who paid me for/in June 2022

So, this is a little bit late being posted, due to trying to catch up after the real life stress I had the last couple of months. Things, are finally settleing down for me again and I'm finally able to get caught up on blog posts and making money again. June's earnings aren't great because of moving and then going out of town for my birthday for a week to New York. July should be much better earning wise for me again though. 

January 2022 - $303.22
February 2022 - $884.49
March 2022 - $957.44 or $263.17
April 2022 - $606.79
May 2022 - $449.34
June 2022 - $68.50

2022 Earnings Total - $3,269.78 or $2,575.51

If you earn from online sites and apps, then please let me know how you are doing so far this year please. 

Current - $20.00
I only earn from charging my phone, watching videos listening to music, and taking surveys. But you can earn from games as well as installing other apps. 

Lime - $48.50 
I go around my city and pick up and charge lime scooters, then drop them off when they are charged. This was my first month doing this and earning from them and I love it. 

Direct Deposit: $48.50
Paypal: $20.00
Gift Cards: $0.00
Total: $68.50

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