Monday, July 11, 2022

Who paid me for/in May 2022

So, I'm a bit behind because of real life stressing me out the last few months, but I wanted to still post my earnings for May 2022 and show you all how I did. I don't think I did great because I let the stress in my life win over making money, but I hope to change that now that things are calmed down a bit more.

January 2022 - $303.22
February 2022 - $884.49
March 2022 - $957.44 or $263.17
April 2022 - $606.79
May 2022 - $449.34

2022 Earnings Total - $3,201.28 or $2,507.01 

If you earn from online sites and apps, then please let me know how you are doing so far this year please. 

Uber Eats - $173.34
I deliever for Uber Eats on my bike, electric scooter, and walking.

Current - $40.00
I only earn from charging my phone, watching videos listening to music, and taking surveys. But you can earn from games as well as installing other apps. 

OnlyFans - $56.00 
I have two pages a free page and a paid page where I share daily content of my spanking model work.

Lime - $173.00 
I go around my city and pick up and charge lime scooters, then drop them off when they are charged. This was my first month doing this and earning from them and I love it. 

Telephia - $7.00
It is one of my favorite apps, to earn from because all you do is let it run on your phone and every week you earn $1 and then every 30 days (I believe) you earn an extra $1.

Direct Deposit: $402.34
Paypal: $47.00
Gift Cards: $0.00
Total: $449.34

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