Monday, August 1, 2022

Who paid me for/in July 2022

July has been a better earning month for me then what June was and that is a really good thing for me, because my outgoing bills has gone up $120, since April 2022. Also, I know I counted getting back a security deposit this month, but I feel like that is fair to keep in my earnings this month. 

January 2022 - $303.22
February 2022 - $884.49
March 2022 - $957.44 or $263.17
April 2022 - $606.79
May 2022 - $449.34
June 2022 - $68.50
July 2022 - $479.54

2022 Earnings Total - $3,749.32 or $3,055.05

If you earn from online sites and apps, then please let me know how you are doing so far this year please. 

OnlyFans - $113.00 
I have two pages a free page and a paid page where I share daily content of my spanking model work.

InstaGC - $100.00 - Mainly I earn from watching videos, surveys, and promo codes.

Telephia - $8.00
It is one of my favorite apps, to earn from because all you do is let it run on your phone and every week you earn $1 and then every 30 days (I believe) you earn an extra $1.

1Q  - $0.25
An app on your phone where they send you questions once in a while that you answer and then you get paid via paypal instantly.

You do hits (tasks). 

First Court -$50.00
I helped with a real court case in my area as a juror. If you are interested in doing the same thing, feel free to sign up and let them know that Christa Sunderland referred you. 

Cleaning - $50.00
I helped a friend deep clean there bathroom since they were going to have company stay with them. This was offline work.

Security Deposit - $200.00
I got a security deposit back that I put towards an apartment that I applied to at the beginning of May 2022. 

Direct Deposit: $463.04
Paypal: $8.25
Gift Cards: $0.00
Total: $479.54

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