Thursday, January 12, 2023

Who paid me for/in November 2022

So, I'm sorry this is so late, but I fell behind on my online earnings as well as tracking money when I got a part time job at Dollar Tree in (September 2022). So, I'm working on trying to catch up on tracking my money and earnings, so I can catch up on my last few earnings posts. 

Not really sure what my goal for November earning was, but to be safe, let's just say earn money in general. 

January 2022 - $303.22
February 2022 - $884.49
March 2022 - $957.44 or $263.17
April 2022 - $606.79
May 2022 - $449.34
June 2022 - $68.50
July 2022 - $479.54
August 2022 - $100.83
September 2022 - $187.23
October 2022 - $21.03
November 2022 - $16.00

2022 Earnings Total - $4,074.41 or $3,380.14

If you earn from online sites and apps, then please let me know how you are doing so far this year please. 

Current - $6.00
I only earn from charging my phone, watching videos listening to music, and taking surveys. But you can earn from games as well as installing other apps. 

Telephia - $10.00
It is one of my favorite apps, to earn from because all you do is let it run on your phone and every week you earn $1 and then every 30 days (I believe) you earn an extra $1.

Direct Deposit: $0.00
Paypal: $16.00
Gift Cards: $0.00
Total: $16.00

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